Thursday, September 15, 2011

What kind of meat is that?!

One of our main questions of the trip - What kind of meat is that? You'll see why later.


Recap of the day:
Sanding and priming one room - to be painted later
Chai and Lunch with the children
The children sang to us after Chai
Worship outside after lunch
Children's lesson
More priming
Making and playing with Ooblek after afternoon chai (the goo that is on the tables in the pictures)

As we were worshiping a few of the staff guys took off running towards the barn. Come to find out a lamb had gotten his neck caught up in a rope and ended up dying. So, what else do you do with it but grill the lamb?! Most of the team had a piece and enjoyed it!


  1. i noticed you had chai twice...any chapati??

  2. No chapati yet, but we're hoping to have some while we're here!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love the pics, praying that your time will be fruitful for everyone you meat. (you see what I did there?)
